JSC “Borisov Plant of Aggregates” – Spinner

During several years the technical staff of JSC “Borisov Plant of Aggregates” was developing the project of turning of the part “Turbocharger Wheel”.

Such long time of the project development is explained by the process peculiarities – the wheel is inserted into the turbocharger case with a minimum clearance and is rotating with a high speed inside it. Thus, very high requirements are imposed on the geometrical accuracy, shape and surface of the processed part.

Eurostancom Ltd together with JSC “Borisov Plant of Aggregates” and the manufacturer of the corresponding machines SPINNER performed the thorough examination of the technical requirements and possible solutions, developed the technological process, selected the necessary tooling and calculated the cycle time. As a result of these preparatory activities it became possible to carry out the processing of the part “Turbocharger Wheel” on a single ultra-precision turning lathe Spinner mod. PD with preservation of accuracy characteristics and high efficiency! The turning process is automatic; the operator’s function is limited to loading a blank and unloading a ready part, thus reducing the risk of faulty parts production.

The machine has been successfully operating since 2009 and producing accurate parts in accordance with engineering drawings.

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