Belarusian State Institute of Metrology (BelGIM) – Carl Zeiss

Belarusian State Institute of Metrology is a leading scientific & research center of the Republic of Belarus. The Institute's activities have been constantly expanded and at the present time they cover the development and production of standards and reference standards; testing, certification, control and calibration of measuring instruments; creation and maintenance of standards data base; high-precision measurements; metrological researches and much more.

The data base of standards, maintained by BelGIM, is growing and being updated every year. In 2010 it became necessary to create a length standard for gears. The experts of the Belarusian State Institute of Metrology chose the coordinate measuring machine PRISMO®ultra with the built-in rotary table produced by the company "Carl Zeiss" (Germany). Similar measuring machines are operating at the metrological institutes in Russia, Germany, Turkey, etc. Carl Zeiss is the world's leading manufacturer of high-precision CMMs. This CMM can be called a unique one - the total absolute error of measurement is (0,6 + L / 500) μm, the range of measurements on the coordinate axes X / Y / Z  is 900/1300/700 mm.

This standard allows performing scientific research for the development and introduction of high technologies into production process, participating in international comparisons; making engineering tests of a wide range of products, including medical ones. Thus, Eurostancom Company, the official representative of Carl Zeiss in Belarus, provided BelGIM with the ability to carry out high-precision measurements– from machine and instrument engineering products to the complicated medical products.

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